Medikay -> exclusive European sales partner of Lifecosm and Chastru
The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut has once again confirmed the outstanding properties of the Lifecosm antigen rapid test: In the comparative evaluation of the sensitivity of SARS-Cov2 antigen rapid tests - the Lifecosm test was repeatedly attested the best possible results-> höchstmögliche Sensitivität, auch im Niedrigviruslastbereich
-> und jetzt auch die Omikron Erkennung
Der Lifecosm Antigenschnelltest wird dadurch einmal mehr zum bestmöglichsten Test in Deutschland und setzt sich dadurch überaus deutlich von den allermeisten anderen Produkten auf dem Markt ab.
Hier gelangen Sie zum PDF vom Paul-Ehrlich-Institut und finden das Ergebnis auf Seite 8 von 15.
The Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) in Germany regularly evaluates rapid corona tests that are available on the domestic market. The result is published in the so-called comparative evaluations.
In the published comparative evaluation, the Lifecosm rapid corona test we sell was given an overall sensitivity of 100.0%.
As a result, this rapid test differs significantly from other tests on the market.
All of our Lifecosm rapid test models are based on the same test cassette design and are PEI-evaluated, see BfArM antigen list. In the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut publication, only one test ID is listed if it is not a different test cassette. The result of 100% therefore also applies to all other tests we offer from the manufacturer Lifecosm.
Here you can go directly to the website of the Paul Ehrlich Institute and view the PDF - page 8.
Comparative evaluation of the sensitivity of SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen tests (self-tests + rapid tests)
Here you can go directly to the website of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) - antigen list. Enter the manufacturer LIFECOSM in the search field.
Payment on account requires prior activation and we offer this to public and medical institutions and bulk buyers.
To use this payment method, please contact us.
It is often mistakenly assumed that a rapid antigen test with a high overall sensitivity - according to the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI) - is rated only marginally worse than the Lifecosm rapid antigen test with an overall sensitivity of 100% according to the PEI.
The following example refers to a specific test published in the comparative evaluation of the PEI on January 31, 2022 with an overall sensitivity of 86% on PDF page 10 of 15.
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Detailed evaluation result of the Paul Ehrlich Institute:
Cq ≤25 -> Cq 25-30 -> Cq ≥30 -> overall sensitivity
100.0% -> 95.7% -> 40.0% -> 86.0%
Cq ≥30 stands for the evaluated low virus load range, in which even acute infections are considered transmissible.
This results in a partial sensitivity in the low viral load range (Cq ≥ 30) of 40%.
This means you detect less than half of all low-virus infections. So 60% of these infections go unidentified.
Our Lifecosm tests were also evaluated in the low viral load range at CT ≥ 30 with a partial sensitivity of 100%.
What this means for you: With the Lifecosm rapid antigen test, you can detect significantly more transmissible infections that other tests on the market do not detect, even if they were rated only slightly worse than 100%.
We offer bulk buyers from the area of public authorities and health facilities the possibility of a sample shipment. Talk to us and we will be happy to advise you.
Special conditions through delivery agreement!
Your advantages:
Benefit immediately from lower prices.
Minimize storage costs and storage space
Delivery security even with increasing demand for rapid tests
Avoid liquidity bottlenecks through lower advance payments -> Payment on account according to the delivery quantity
We offer bulk buyers from 1,000 tests per month special conditions with regular delivery. You will receive the highest discount level that is achieved overall across a delivery agreement, right from the first order.
You need 1,000 tests per month and would like to be reliably supplied once a month for a period of 6 months, which results in a total of 6,000 tests. You will receive the discount level for 6,000 tests with your first order and thus benefit from a significant price advantage.
We ship stock items daily by 2 p.m. The availability is indicated directly with the article. Our logistician usually delivers within 1-2 working days. You will receive an e-mail with a tracking link upon dispatch.
We always keep a generous stock. We can also reliably offer you regular large quantities of any amount. Contact us!
An exclusive framework supply agreement and direct purchase from the factory ensure that it can be reordered on a permanent basis. We are supplied regularly.
We obtain our tests directly from the factory and receive regular deliveries without unknown middlemen. The transport and storage situation is reduced to a minimum and transparently traceable. The imprint of the batch number and the traceability of the shipping routes leave no doubts.